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HighSecLabs USB eLock Plug

This product is no longer offered by Kramer. Please refer to the HSL website at
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  • HighSecLabs USB eLock Plug
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UE10N−3 USB eLock plugs provide the highest possible security by physically preventing USB device connection to your computers. UE10N−3 utilizes single−direction connection to secure all computer and server USB ports from unauthorized use. It mechanically locks the USB ports to prevent unwanted insertion of USB devices. Available in packs of 10 and 50.

  • Highest Security by Design
  • Prevents Unauthorized Use of USB Ports — Utilizes single–direction connection to secure all computer and server USB ports from unauthorized use.


  • High–security organizations
  • Government agencies
  • Military
  • Financial institutions
  • Any other organization that handles sensitive and confidential information


Modello Descrizione
UE10N–3–10 HighSecLabs USB eLock Plug — 10–Pack
UE10N–3–50 HighSecLabs USB eLock Plug — 50–Pack


Fornitura limitata. Questo prodotto sarà disponibile fino ad esaurimento scorte
Fornitura limitata. Questo prodotto sarà disponibile fino ad esaurimento scorte


Fornitura limitata. Questo prodotto sarà disponibile fino ad esaurimento scorte