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Embrace the modern elegance of the KAC−TCH−10, an ergonomically designed meeting room controller filled with cutting−edge features. Initiate collaboration effortlessly with its one−click calendar integration, share content seamlessly, and adjust your camera settings easily – all part of its rich functionality.
The KAC−TCH−10, positioned as a central, intuitive touch controller, offers a streamlined gateway to Kramer/AudioCodes' meeting room solutions. It's equipped with a proximity sensor, an ergonomic build, and an 8” high−resolution display, ensuring a high−quality, user−friendly experience. This controller not only simplifies your meetings with features like one−click joining and integrated calendar for easy collaboration but also allows for effortless content sharing and camera adjustments. The KAC−TCH−10 redefines meeting room interaction with its blend of simplicity and advanced features.

  • Quick Start Collaboration — Effortless one–click joining for streamlined collaboration.
  • Tidy Desk Solution — A neat, single cable connection for a clutter–free workspace.
  • Integrated Calendar — Easily schedule or join meetings with the built–in calendar.
  • Modern and User–Friendly — A sleek, ergonomic design ensuring smooth operation.
  • Increase Meeting's Productivity: — Enhance your meeting's productivity with a tailored and easy–to–use interface.


Device interfaces

Operating System




